According to the American School Bus Council, 26 million students ride a school bus each year. When you add it all up, even considering short commutes, it is estimated that U.S. students spend a staggering 520 million school days on buses each year.
What if a student could use that travel time to work productively on school assignments?
Now your students can study, learn and collaborate on class assignments in a distraction-free learning environment with filtered, CIPA-compliant Internet on the bus. With Kajeet Education BroadbandTM service you can increase student productivity and reduce bus behavior incidents.
- CIPA-compliant, education-only content that is safe for students.
- Filtering, data consumption management and router are controlled in Kajeet Sentinel.
- Sentinel analyzes and categorizes millions of new URLs every day.
- URL allow/deny controls.
- Insightful reports provide detailed views into usage destinations.
- Program Manager assigned to assist you.
- Includes Kajeet SmartBus/CradlepointTM cellular router and antenna.
- Optional professional installation service.
Complete the form to start a conversation on how we can help you extend your classroom to the school bus.