8 Technologies for the Next-Generation School Bus

The Connected Bus

Read the Connected Bus Report



Across the country, increasing safety and security remains a top priority for school buses, along with other important objectives like improved maintenance and efficiency, optimized bus routes, enhanced driver tracking, and simplified communications with parents. At the same time, more school systems are also focused on what’s happening on the bus itself. This includes not only managing disruptive behavior but also leveraging students’ time on board more productively. 

Technology is giving us powerful new ways to automate, optimize, and enhance all aspects of school bus operations. But in practice, it’s not always so simple. In fact, many school administrators now face a new challenge: How do you coordinate and connect all these different technologies, tools, and suppliers, especially when your budgets are anything but unlimited?

Download the Connected Bus report to discover the eight technologies of the 21st-cenutry bus, along with:
  • Benefits to providing Wi-Fi on the bus for students.

  • Technology that makes for a safer and more efficient ride.

  • How to empower drivers with helpful, digital tools.

  • The key to creating a completely “connected” bus.

Ready? Let's connect those school buses!