Connecting Your Students Anywhere, Anytime

LTE- Embedded Chromebooks & Laptops for Schools, Districts, Libraries, and Other Organizations.

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Important Note: Kajeet does not sell individual devices directly to students or parents. If you need a Chromebook for education, please contact your school and have them reach out to Kajeet about our programs.

Do you have students that need connected devices for homework and study?

Whether in class, at home, or en route, no student should be left behind due to a lack of internet access. Our 4G/5G LTE-embedded Chromebooks are the perfect solution to bridge the digital divide to ensure that your students have the access they need, when and where they need it.

With one portable device, tech teams can ensure students have access to the tools they need to engage with a digital curriculum outside the classroom.

The Kajeet Chromebook Solution Includes: 

  • Choice of Networks - Choose from all major US wireless networks to ensure optimal coverage down to the device level. Don't get locked into one carrier!

  • CIPA-Compliant Filtering & Device Management - Kajeet Sentinel portal allows administrators to apply customizable filters & manage devices 

  • Easy to Launch - Devices arrive fully activated, provisioned & kitted, removing the workload from district IT staff

  • Lifetime Support - Every customer is assigned a dedicated Account Manager for Tier 1 support 

Available Chromebook Options:

  • Google Chrome Management License
  • Clamshell and Clamshell Touch
  • Unlimited Data 

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Zandra Jo Galván, Superintendent
We still offer the same types of support we gave them [students] during distance learning so that every one of our students can access their curriculum, homework, and additional support in the evenings. We are super grateful to Kajeet for this partnership.

Zandra Jo Galván, Superintendent Greenfield Union School District