A portable Wi-Fi hotspot, the Kajeet SmartSpot® 4G LTE extends the school day by providing managed broadband access outside the classroom on the Verizon network.
Kajeet works with school district personnel to bring broadband connectivity to students who do not have it at home. At this time, we do not sell directly to the family. If you are a parent or student and require Internet access at home, please contact your principal or district IT department and ask about Kajeet.
Once upon a time, educators believed it was not their responsibility to feed hungry students, but hungry children cannot learn. As with food, so too with Internet connectivity; and the time will come when all districts recognize that it is their responsibility to provide broadband outside the classroom to children whom – for whatever reason – otherwise would go without it.
Daniel Neal
CEO & Founder, Kajeet
Kajeet Inc.,
7901 Jones Branch Drive,
Suite 350,
McLean, VA 22102
Main: 866-4Kajeet
Support: 1-240-482-4636